Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What to do in case of an accident?

Some answers on questions of Car Insurance.

In front of a car accident, what to do?

In the event of an accident, the following data must be collected:

First: First of all verify, that those who travel with you are in perfect health. After you have calmed down and freaked out.

Second: Request the driver of the other vehicle the personal data (Name, Address and Telephone), name of the policyholder, ie policy holder, Policy number and car data.

Third: Write down in as much detail as possible the material and personal damages of the accident, the conditions and circumstances in which the accident occurred and the place of the accident. Take note of a role of everything you remember from the accident.

Four: If the insurance covers damage to things, include a detailed description of the damaged property and the amount of damage.

Five: If the insurance covers the personal injury, make a description of the injuries produced and if possible with medical part, record where the medical service was performed, name of the doctor on duty, who attended the injured, severity of the victim, is Say if injuries prevent you from performing your daily activities.

Six: In case of witnesses, write down their names, address and telephone number. In case of judicial intervention, description of the authority that intervened and the date of the declaration of the incident.

Seven: If possible and no one injured, try to agree with the other driver and sign the Friendly Accident Agreement. In that case, a sketch of the accident must be made, in order to later be able to carry out the reconstruction of the facts. With the friendly agreement shorten the resolution times and therefore the dl collection.

Eight: And of course communicate the accident to the insurer as soon as possible. You will have 7 business days from the time of the accident, unless your policy indicates more time. If you notify after this period, the insurer may refuse to pay damages. The insurance company will send an expert to assess the damages of the car.

Nine: If you disagree with the expertise What to do? When you do not agree with the expert's opinion of the insurance expert, you can hire your expert in charge and perform another independent expert's report. If an agreement is reached the compensation will be paid, but the insurance will appoint another expert and its decision will be decisive