Saturday, May 27, 2017

Causes of force majeure: how does travel insurance cover them?

There are certain trips that we arrange well in advance, for example, to stay in a good hotel in high season without having to pay too much or in order to ensure a flight on the desired dates. Book months before, however, can cause us the fear that some mishap will prevent us from carrying out the trip, losing money from reservations. What problems could make us not enjoy our vacation? We all think about issues of health, work and studies, incidents involving significant expenditure or administrative procedures. However, there are other causes outside our private life that we can not control and that can also cause us to have to cancel or interrupt our trip. We talk about the causes of force majeure.

What are the causes of force higher?

It is considered a force majeure a situation outside of you and that poses a risk when traveling, such as the declaration of catastrophic area of ​​the destination or an act of piracy, among others.

Catastrophic zone declaration

If you officially declare your place of residence or the place of destination where you are traveling, or the place of transit to the destination, provided that this is the only way to reach it. The causes of catastrophic disaster reporting are often natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes or fires.

Piracy acts

If there are acts of piracy, air, land or naval that make it impossible to start or continue your journey. For example, at sea, piracy is the attack by members of a vessel upon another in international waters or in places not under the jurisdiction of any State, in order to steal the cargo or belongings of passengers, require The rescue by these or seize of the own ship.