Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Theft, Fire and Moons

Theft, Fire and Moons
Insurance for Third Parties / Combined

They are safe that protect the car of the insured against these risks according to the insured capital. In case of loss the insurance covers the damages suffered by the vehicle.

These policies extend Third Party Insurance coverage, incorporating other insurance that completes the benefit. It is an alternative to All-Risk Insurance, something more economical with coverage of the most common risks. As Third Party Insurance also does not cover damage to the insured or your vehicle.

It allows the possibility of extension of Third Party Insurance or the combination of several insurance separately at the insured's choice. This policy includes coverage of Third Party Insurance with the assistance of theft, fire or break of moons. These three are the most common incorporations, but you can also add insurance that provides for the dropping of a suitcase in full travel, an accident driven by a minor without a license, etc.

Complementary insurance is:

  • Stole
  • Fire
  • Moons


The night before came back very late and left his car outside. The next morning you find that your car has been stolen. The theft insurance ensures a coverage for these cases and not only for theft of the vehicle, but also for theft of something from inside the car, such as the wheel of assistance or repair of damages caused by an attempted theft Or for a concrete robbery. The rates, which use insurance to indemnify the stolen car without appearing is based on risk.

When we speak of robbery, the concept problem always arises with theft. It is called robbery, when there is a force in between to subtract something, but in theft there is no force to take what is not his. That is to say, it will be theft if, in order to take the help wheel, they break the lock of the trunk of the car. However if you go down to buy cigars without closing the car and meanwhile steal the wheel of help without forcing any lock will be a theft. This difference is very important when making the complaint in the insurance.

How does insurance work with theft of accessories? Theft of factory accessories, such as wheels, shift lever, etc. Insurance generally compensates for new value, but will depend on the coverage (small print). In the case of the wheels, it may happen that the wheels are replaced or that the insurance claims that the wheels had a certain use wear and decide to pay only part of the tire. In order for the insurance to cover the special accessories, ie those that do not come from the factory, but are specially ordered by the owner of the car, must be incorporated into the general conditions of your policy.

How will insurance against car theft? The small print will specify what type of coverage your insurance will cover. The theft of the car is considered as total loss. To determine the type of compensation, whether it will be for new value, market value, market value, etc. This point is widely explained in Total Loss.

  • How much will the insurance pay you if they steal your car? Subtraction of complete car theft for 80% of the value of the vehicle (sale value of the vehicle at the time of loss)
  • Subtraction of pieces for 80% of value to new.
  • Battery / tires for 80% of the market value
  • Damage for attempted theft or car crash with damage for 80% of repair value and accessories, if included in writing for 80% of the new value.

It must be reported immediately and in case of appearing within the stipulated waiting period in the policy, the insured will have to accept it. If the said period expires, the insured, the insurance can claim the compensation or decide the pertinent.
Exclusion within theft: Abduction due to negligence of the insured (leaving the keys on), abduction of accomplices from the family of the insured to third degree of consanguinity or employees of them.


In the event of a fire accident the insurance takes care of the damage of the car as long as it is not the fault of a third party. The fire accident can be: partial fire of the car or the total loss of the car.

Partial fire of the car: If the damages produced were on original accessories of factory will be indemnified by value to new, that is to say to be restored. In the case of wheels, the insurers are handled in different ways. Some will replace the tire with a new one and others will question the tire in the event of wear and tear, charging only a percentage of the value of the tire to be replaced. Special accessories, ie those that do not come from the factory, but are specially ordered by the owner of the car. For the insurance to cover them must be incorporated in the general conditions of your policy.

Total loss of car: When the car has burned down in its entirety and there is no possibility of repair it is considered Total Loss. Faced with this issue you should read the fine print of your policy to determine what type of coverage you have in case of total loss. How the insurer will compensate is of vital importance. Generally it is by value to new if the damaged vehicle has not completed the two years of use, past said time of the compensation will be by value vein or improved value. Other companies compensate by market value from the outset. This is one of the most important aspects within an auto policy because if your car is new, in case of total loss you can run out of car.


This cover serves in case of breaks of all the moons of the car. The insurance must take into account the value of the replacement of the new moon and labor costs. If there is a moon on the roof of the car, check if your insurance covers your break, but should include it. If you have special glasses are not included unless you specify it in detail in the policy. The coverage does not include repairs due to scratches or scratches due to normal use.