Saturday, May 27, 2017

Medical Risks in Travel Insurance

Travel medical insurance is essential, to avoid having to face the high costs that can result from a serious accident or illness during the trip.

Medical Risks

Health care within the European Community: If your travel is within Europe, do not forget to apply for the European Health Insurance Card. The Social Security offers forms E-111 with which you will receive medical care abroad in the Public Health of the country where you are.

If you belong to any of the countries of the European Union you have the right to receive Health Care. Spain also has agreements with Iceland and Norway. There are also agreements with Andorra, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru. If you decide to visit South America it is advisable to take out a Medical Travel Insurance, because the Public Health Assistance Service in these countries is of few resources. You will have to resort to Private Assistance.

Health care outside the European Community: When choosing your destination you will need to find out about the healthcare resources of the country of destination. Remember, health care in Spain is not the norm in the rest of the world. Many Latin American countries do not have Public Health Assistance or are so deficient that it is better to do without it. You will have to take out a Medical Travel Insurance, for any eventuality or unforeseen urgency. Taking into account the coverage of hospitalization, emergency and surgical benefits abroad.

Travel Insurance can be purchased taking into account our comfort when it is needed. The Medical Insurance during the trip grants a unique tranquility mainly when we choose exotic destinations or trips with certain physical risks. International Medical Insurance, ie covered worldwide, are safe to hire only for the trip you will make or for a whole year.

Emergency medical and information assistance

There are some insurance companies, which offer a policy for emergency medical assistance and information. This type of travel insurance compensates the holder for the number of days that he has lost hospitalized in a hospital abroad, does not include hospital reimbursement or medical consultations, ie he does not pay for the expenses. It is compensation for fixed amount. It also offers a 24-hour information service on currency exchange, weather, medical consultations, some include emergency evacuation in case of illness, legal assistance, etc ...